The Sound Lounge is of huge cultural significance both within it's immediate Tooting community and the wider London area. In Tooting it's one of a number of great independent establishments which make the area a vibrant haven for the arts and small artisan producers. For London, The Sound Lounge is one the huge variety of venues that make it one of the most culturally diverse and exciting cities in the world.
Unfortunately, The Sound Lounge is under threat. An application to develop the building in which The Sound Lounge is housed, has been submitted to demolish and build flats, a hotel and large retail spaces. The venue was not informed about the plans and has not included in the development.
To allow the pure pursuit of capital gain to decimate this would be scandalous. Property development is important at a time when we have a housing shortage, but if this is done by those only keen to profiteer, and to the detriment of what makes a place worth living in in the first place then it's wrong.
Emerging artists, music fans, the local community and craft suppliers like ourselves rely on the existence of The Sound Lounge. If we were to wrongfully take this away it would not only harm those directly involved with The Sound Lounge but also those it supports.
We at Signature Brew are extremely proud of the work we do with independent venues all over the UK. They are culturally essential, asylums for creativity and most importantly the best places to have fun. Long live The Sound Lounge.
Click here to sign the petition. #savethesoundlounge
Here is a song I found apt....