
Blog: Five Things Everyone Collecting Vinyl Should Know

Vinyl record sales continue to grow year-on-year, with music fans of all ages discovering the joy of music pressed to wax. As a format, it demands your attention in a way that digital (and particularly streaming) can never hope to achieve. We advocate for vinyl as the best way to experience music at home. It requires a little extra thought and effort, but after all, nothing worth having in this world comes easily. So for those of you just getting started, here are five things you need to know as you set off on your vinyl journey.

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Blog: The Greatest Supergroups Of All Time

To celebrate the release of our latest Supergroup IPA Bundle, we've had a playlist of the best supergroups of all time on rotation at the brewery. 

With that in mind, here's a list of our favourite musical super groups to be enjoyed alongside a selection of some of the best craft IPAs going. 

Order the supergroup here, and enjoy our favourites below.


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