Featured Stockists This Week - 14th October

This week we have a few new establishments and some old favourites who have stock on the shelves and taps. Get down to one or more of these great bars, restaurants and shops to get a tasty beer or two... tweet us @signaturebrew to find out where the nearest stockist is for where you live.


The Passage - Dalston, London - Remedy and Sssnakepit (Bottles) - https://www.facebook.com/thepassage27a

The Black Heart - Camden, London - Doctor's Orders (Keg) - www.ourblackheart.com

The Jolly Butchers - Stock Newington, London - Remedy (Cask) - www.jollybutchers.com

Orchid Vietnamese Kitchen - Chelsea, London - Remedy (Bottles) - www.orchid-vietnam.com

Sourced Market - Kings Cross, London - All Signature Brew Range (Bottles) www.sourcedmarket.com

Morrisons Supermarkets - Uk Wide - Remedy (Bottles) - http://remedybeer.com/news/morrions-store-list/


As well as many others. Enjoy!